Home Feature Hassan Allam to deliver maritime academy campus in New Alamein end-2020

Hassan Allam to deliver maritime academy campus in New Alamein end-2020

by Marwa himdan
New El Alamein

Egypt’s construction company, Hassan Allam aims to deliver a new campus of a maritime academy in New Alamein City, 240km (149.1 miles) from Cairo, by the end of 2020, a source said on Sunday.

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport’s (AASTMT) new campus is with an investment cost exceeding 1 billion Egyptian pounds ($61.4 million), an official source in one of major construction firms working in New Alamein project told Amwal Al Ghad.

Spanning over 62,000 feddans, AASTMT’s New Alamein Campus will include 12 faculties as well as 34 buildings that house learning venues, dorms, creative centre, library, main premises, and food court.

The new campus will serve the residential communities in New Alamein and the surrounding cities, including Alexandria and Sidi Abdel Rahman.

Since its establishment in 1972, the academy has been involved in the fields of education, training, scientific research, and community services.

The academy is one of the specialised organisations of the League of Arab States, and all its degrees are accredited on both local and international levels.

Being a multi-purpose, multi-task institution, AASTMT basically offers its services to students from the entire Arab world, as well as African countries. The studying system in the academy is based on the credit hours, allowing maximum interaction between the lecturers and the students.

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