Home Feature MSMEDA injects EGP3.7bln in SMEs during 8 months

MSMEDA injects EGP3.7bln in SMEs during 8 months

by mohamed Hamdy

the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (MSMEDA) has injected 3.7 billion Egyptian pounds in SMEs during 8 months, head of the authority Nevine Gamea said.

Gamea told Amwal Al Ghad during third annual leasing conference entitled “Leasing for Nation’s Development” that MSMEDA has pumped 200 million Egyptian pounds in the leasing companies during the last two years.

She further noted that MSMEDA is set to sign an agreement with  Taamir Mortgage Company (Al Oula) worth between 20 million and 25 million Egyptian pound within the next upcoming days.

Furthermore, MSMEDA is currently negotiating with the National Bank of Egypt and The United Bank to receive funds of 240 million Egyptian pounds

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