Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade 4th round of India-Egypt Business Council meetings starts today in New Delhi

4th round of India-Egypt Business Council meetings starts today in New Delhi

by Noha Gad

The fourth round of the Egyptian-Indian Business Council meetings kicks off in Indian capital New Delhi on Thursday for three days.

Head of the Egyptian side at the council, Khaled Abu El Makarem stated that the meetings aim at discussing means of enhancing investment and trade relations between Egypt and India.

He added that a mission encompassing representatives of 12 Egyptian firms working in different sectors participates in council’s meetings.

The council -with its both sides- is scheduled to meet with the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on the sideline of his visit to India that comes among his Asian tour that kicked off today, the official clarified.

The Egyptian-Indian council is set to discuss means of boosting Indian investments in Egypt , Abu El Makarem noted, adding that Indian investments in Egypt are currently estimated at around US$3 billion through 52 Indian firms. 25 of the 50 firms have been founded in cooperation with Egyptian companies.

The meetings would discuss a number of agreements as well as investment projects submitted by the Indian side notably the project of building integrated medical city.

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