Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Trade ministry to relocate leather tanneries to Egypt’s Al-Robakey zone mid-July

Trade ministry to relocate leather tanneries to Egypt’s Al-Robakey zone mid-July

by Noha Gad

Egyptian trade and industry ministry is to start relocating leather tanneries from Magra El Oyon region to Al-Robeky industrial zone by the middle of July 2016.

Chairman of Egyptian Leather Export Council Ahmed Short stated Saturday that the ministry is set to start relocating tanneries after finishing all preparations and providing the zone with electricity, gas, water, and sanitation networks.

Short added that the new tanneries will start operating right after transporting and installing the machines.

Al-Robeky zone is set to be the first specialised industrial zone as it will seize around 45-55 percent of leather products, thus, upgrading tanning processes to cope with the latest global systems. Accordingly, leather industries and its feeding ones will be developed in cooperation with the Italian side, the official said.

The chairman noted that a supreme council for Al Robeky zone has been formed including a number of experts and representatives of trade ministry and other governmental entities. The council targets removing all obstacles and problems that could face relocating tanneries and operating the zone.

Short clarified that the council developed a plan to invite missions of African, Arab and European buyers to maximise the volume of Egypt’s exports to those countries and open new markets there.

Moreover, Chairman Short noted that leather exports record around 1.2 billion pounds annually and expected to be increased by six or seven-fold at least after finishing Al-Robeky zone.

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