Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Egypt to participate in Japan-Arab Economic Forum held in Morocco in May

Egypt to participate in Japan-Arab Economic Forum held in Morocco in May

by aya salah

Egypt will participate in the 4th Japan-Arab Economic Forum to be held in Morocco on 4-5 May 2016, the forum aims to support the Arabian- Japanese ties and discuss more investments opportunities.

According to the Chairman of Japan-Egypt Business Council, Ibrahim el-Araby, the forum seeks to further enhance the economic relationship between Japan and Arab states through cooperation in a wide range of areas including trade, investment, energy, science and technology, and human resource development.

It was established as a framework for a public-private dialogue by uniting efforts of the Japanese and Arab-states’ governments and business communities.

Recently, Arab states have been endeavoring to diversify their economies and industries as their major challenge, and the forum will provide a significant opportunity for Japan to enhance economic cooperation with Arab states.

During the forum, the participant businessmen would hold a face-to-face meetings along with four workshops namely in human resources, scientific research and innovation, industry, technology, climatic change and energy and the green economy fields.

On the Japanese side, high-level officials and people from the public and private sectors, including the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and Keidanren, will attend the forum.

While, ministers concerned from the League of Arab States (LAS) member countries and heads of economic associations, including the chambers of commerce across the LAS, will attend the forum.

El-Araby considers the forum a promising opportunity to promote the available local investments especially the Suez Canal Corridor Region.

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