Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Engineering Export Council, Expolink plan sending promotional mission to Africa

Engineering Export Council, Expolink plan sending promotional mission to Africa

by Noha Gad

Engineering Export Council of Egypt held Thursday an expanded meeting with Egyptian Exporters Association – Expolink (EEA) to discuss sending promotional delegation to West Africa states during the last week of March.

Ayman El Nagouly – member at Egyptian Engineering Export Council- stated Thursday that the meeting aimed at discussing cooperation means between the two sides within the upcoming period.

The mission is set to visit Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, and Ghana.

It is set to include 15-20 firms working in engineering industries sector in addition to representatives of petrochemical industries and building materials sectors. A number of bilateral meetings are set to be held during the meeting, El Nagouly stated.

The two sides will send the promotional delegation in cooperation with Egyptian Lebanese Businessmen Friendship Association (Elba), Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI), export councils, and Egyptian Commercial Services.

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