Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade A Joint Conference on Egypt Economy starts next Week in Italy – Minister

A Joint Conference on Egypt Economy starts next Week in Italy – Minister

by Yomna Yasser

A joint Egyptian-Italian investment conference will start next week in Italy, Egypt’s investment minister Ashraf Salman announced on Monday.

The conference will tackle Egypt’s major economic challenges as well as the available investment opportunities there.

Salman said the Egyptian government had coordinated with the Italian business mission officials that currently visiting Egypt to organise a joint conference in Italy in the coming week.

An Italian business mission is visiting Egypt from February 22-24, with 190 groups participating. Of these, 90 are companies, five are business unions and six are credit institutes.

The mission targets discussing opportunities for commerce and industrial partnerships in the mechanical, renewable energy and infrastructure sectors.

The Italian delegation is led by Italian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda along with the head of Confindustria’s Technical Group for Internationalisation and Foreign Investors Licia Mattioli. Also in attendance are Italian Trade Agency – ICE chief Riccardo Maria Monti, and a member of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) presidency committee for international relations, Guido Rosa.

During the Egyptian-Italian Economic Forum held Monday with institutional representatives from Egypt and Italy, minister Salman referred to Egyptian government’s four-year plan that aims to attract more direct foreign investments.

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