Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Sisi in First Official Visit to UAE for World Energy Summit

Sisi in First Official Visit to UAE for World Energy Summit

by Noha Gad

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will be heading to UAE on January 18-19th.

This is the first official visit for al-Sisi since he becomes the president of Egypt. It comes within the strong bilateral relations in all levels.  In UAE, Sisi is set to take part in the coming World Future Energy Summit (WFES).

The Egyptian president’s visit marks Egypt’s appreciation and gratefulness for UAE’s support after 30th of June uprising.

In October 2013, UAE approved US$4.9 billion in aid to Egyptian economy included US$ 1 billion grant and US$ 1 billion petroleum grant. In addition, UAE granted US$ 3 billion financial and non financial aids.

In the largest Arab direct funding process after 30th of June uprising, UAE paid US$8-9 billion to Egypt.

On other side, UAE participated in number of developmental projects in major economic sectors in Egypt. Those projects include constructing grain silo to take part in achieving food security in Egypt as well as constructing more than 50.000 housing units in 18 governorates and 100 schools.

Moreover, UAE completed number of projects in infrastructure and sewage fields.

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