Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade AmCham Knocking Doors US-Egypt Economic Ties Today

AmCham Knocking Doors US-Egypt Economic Ties Today

by Yomna Yasser

The American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AmCham Egypt) is set to launch today, June 23rd its door-knock delegation to Washington, D.C. With the participation of around 45 local firms, the delegation will tackle means of bolstering the economic ties between Egypt and the USA within the upcoming period.

In this respect, Anis Aclimandos – AmCham Egypt President – stated that the delegation is set to hold a round of joint meetings with a number of US officials and members of congress.  The door-knock delegation will be headed by AmCham Egypt’s Executive Director Hisham Fahmy, he noted.

Aclimandos has further underscore the importance of this year’s mission, compared to formers, as it shall convey the truth about what happened in Egypt following mass demonstrations on June 30, 2013 and the ouster of the first democratically-elected president Mohamed Morsi. Egypt-US relations soured particularly after June 30 with Morsi’s ouster, resulting in a partial freeze of US’s annual economic and military assistance to the North African country.

During June visit to Washington, D.C., the AmCham delegation will be reporting on progress within many sectors, highlighting opportunities for U.S. engagement as well as addressing ways in which Egypt and the United States can leverage their strategic relationship to create an environment conducive to economic development.

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