Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Abou Hashima, Korea’s POSCO To Have Partnership On Establishing Factory For Steel

Abou Hashima, Korea’s POSCO To Have Partnership On Establishing Factory For Steel

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Egyptian Steel Company, headed by Ahmed Abou Hashima, is mulling over establishing a new factory for steel by a future partnership with “POSCO”, a multinational steel-making company headquartered in Pohang, South Korea, on condition that providing the energy necessary for production in Egypt.

On Monday morning a broadened meeting was convened between Mr Kim Young-so, South Korean Ambassador in Cairo, and Ahmed Abou Hashima, Chairman of Egyptian Steel Company, at the company’s headquarters in Heliopolis to look into the ways of cooperation with South Korea.

Abou Hashima asked the ambassador to name some Korean firms operate in the field of producing power in order to discuss establishing thermal power station in Egypt that can help the factories.

He has asserted to the ambassador that he doesn’t belong to any political movement and all his businesses’ target is to sustain the Egyptian economy. With regard to the procedures necessary to implement the nuclear power projects; Abou Hashima elaborated that this step should be taken by the state and political leaders between the two countries at first.

On his part, the ambassador said Egyptian Steel Company is one of the companies is growing even the economic circumstances that Egypt is witnessing. He invited Abou Hashima to attend a meeting in April in the presence of some Korean businessmen to discuss the ways of implementing those projects. At the end of the meeting, the ambassador expressed his hopes for Egypt and expected an flourishing economic future for it.

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