Home Feature Zionism is the ISIS of Judaism – Rabbi Lalehzar

Zionism is the ISIS of Judaism – Rabbi Lalehzar

by Sama Mousa
Rabbi Younes Hamami Lalehzar

Zionism is the ISIS of Judaism, said the Iranian main Rabbi Younes Hamami Lalehzar in a recent interview with Javan Daily.

Lalehzar described attacks on Palestinian schools, health centres and hospitals, as being  “akin to Daesh (ISIS) in Islam.”

“They, like Daesh, present the most radical and extremist narratives of the religion as the only accurate narrative. The narratives that Zionism introduces about Judaism have no basis in this religion.” he explained.

Hamami also highlighted that many Jews across the globe oppose the ideology of Zionism and the occupation of Palestinian lands.

“This ideology sees Palestine as exclusively the holy land of the Jewish people, and all others must be expelled from there.” he added.

“This school of thought has never recognised any rights for Palestinians and has always sought their expulsion,” he stressed.

Hamami also analysed the history of Zionism, saying that it has always been based on “false propaganda.”

He also said that one of the methods they use to fool the Jewish people is to convince them the Israel is the only safe zone for them.

“The Zionist regime claims to be Jewish, but its actions have nothing to do with Judaism,” the Rabbi concluded.

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