Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade 13 Italian Plants Weigh Investing In Egypt; Industry Minister Says

13 Italian Plants Weigh Investing In Egypt; Industry Minister Says

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Some 13 Italian factories operate in different productive sectors; the majority is engineering industries that are mulling over transferring their investments to the Egyptian markets particularly after the successive crises in the euro zone region during the last period, said Eng. Hatem Saleh, Egyptian Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade.

The minister has referred that there are 4 Italian factories had virtually taken the decision of transferring their investments and the establishment processes had been already started.

In his statements to “Amwal Al Ghad”, Eng. Hatem Saleh stated that this state is optimistic and shows how the Egyptian market will attract investments in the forthcoming period amid the crises that the euro zone and US economy are suffering, as well as the economies of Western Europe and Asia.

The minister has announced lately about negotiations to transfer 15 Syrian factories to Egypt in the coming period due to the states that Syria is facing.

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