Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Kandil: 750.000 New Job Opportunities To Combat Unemployment

Kandil: 750.000 New Job Opportunities To Combat Unemployment

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The Egyptian Prime Minister, Hesham Kandil, said the government is committed to tackle the unemployment in the coming period via several mechanisms; like forming a ministerial committee to support the small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs), which will create 750 thousand new job opportunities.

In his keynote at “Combating Unemployment and Recruiting Youth Forum”, Kandil said the committee includes different concerned ministries, and the social fund for development will provide the necessary support, as an ambitious strategy for the small projects in the various sectors would be reshaped for the availability of more job opportunities and combating unemployment.

The forum included representatives of the African Development Bank, Social Fund for Development and (SFD) and the Egyptian government, besides representatives of the private sector.

The PM said this forum comes amid important incidents that Egypt is witnessing, which is finishing the constitution and a referendum will be held within two weeks.

The rates of unemployment became high in Egypt and Africa, especially among youth.

The PM joint with the bank hoped to implement the short-term strategic plan, as the bank will grant $ 2.5 billion in the two coming years to finance numerous ventures; like expanding Sharm Al Sheikh Airport, renewable energy projects, and supporting the electricity sector.

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