Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Dettol Egypt holds a virtual medical conference discussing R&D endeavors in Egypt

Dettol Egypt holds a virtual medical conference discussing R&D endeavors in Egypt

by Amwal Al Ghad English

Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT) together with Dettol Egypt held a virtual medical conference titled: “The Latest Science on Coronavirus & Infection Control Measures”; showcasing the most prominent scientific researches encountered to curb the spread of Coronavirus along with the means of prevention.

The webinar unveiled as well the latest emerging laboratory findings held by Dettol R&D Center.


Prof. Mahmoud Sakr – President of the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT), Mr. Om Prakash – General Manager of Dettol Egypt, and Mr. Joseph Rubino – Head of Dettol R&D Center in the United Kingdom have witnessed the joint virtual meeting. A number of Egypt’s leading Pediatrics, Pulmonologists, Dermatologists, Clinical Pathologists, Virologists, and Microbiologists from Cairo & Ain Shams Universities were keen on attending the webinar, together with elite scientific research experts, accompanied by prominent representatives from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), National Research Center (NRC) along with Ain Shams University’s Referral Laboratories.


Mahmoud Sakr – President of the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT), inaugurated the virtual medical conference praising the sincere endeavors paid by the Egyptian government to boost scientific research activities.

He said “Since Coronavirus outbreak, the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT) was keen on reducing the gap between scientific research & industrial practices; linking demand with implementation & promotion of scientific research outputs. Leading with science and innovation, ASRT has furtherly reinforced cooperation ties with the private business sector’s R&D centers.”

Sakr added: “With this online medical convention coming to light, ASRT & Dettol to envisage new channels of cooperation with the Egyptian government through encouraging more community service initiatives, yielding prosperous investments while establishing world-class plants and laboratories in Egypt.”


Exhibiting ASRT’s R&D strategies, Sakr noted: “The Academy has integrated with all universities and research centers in Egypt, allocating investments amounting EGP 40 Million to subsidize research, development and innovation projects that alleviate Coronavirus implications.

Such researches comprised means of qualifying and developing laboratories to deal with viruses, creating diagnostic groups with rapid methods, digitalizing applications using AI to monitor the spread & evolution of disease.

The researches encompassed as well studies on genetics, epidemiology, genetic susceptibility to infection, and local manufacture of respiratory units, medical masks, disinfectants, smart gates, and smart vending devices. ASRT has partially supported the ongoing research of the National Research Center (NRC) & set a roadmap to redefine priorities in scientific research based on lessons learned from the Coronavirus pandemic.”


Joseph Rubino, R&D Director for Dettol – United Kingdom, showcased the latest findings emerged from Dettol laboratory testing, stating: “Following the release of the novel SARS-CoV-2 strain, Dettol R&D Center commissioned a series of independent laboratory tests with Microbac to assess the effectiveness of Dettol against the virus. Dettol assessed products proved >99.9% efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 known as COVID-19. Such ground-breaking result is to enrich Dettol’s impressive prevention record of its long-proven & tested efficacy against MERS-CoV, H-Cov and Ebola.

We are pleased to confirm that the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) has recognized the significance of our testing and has published an abstract on its website; emphasizing the competency of Dettol’s high-end products against the novel virus.”


In this regard, Om Prakash, General Manager of Dettol commented: “For over 60 years now, Dettol has unceasingly paid due respect to R&D, developing its portfolio with revolutionary products that pledge a cleaner & healthier world. With 9 key R&D centers and many laboratory testing units across the globe, Dettol leads with science through its 1500 dedicated researchers. Encouraging innovation, science and technology, the company has invested £105 Million in 2019, establishing a state-of-the-art Science and Innovation Centre in Hull.”

Concluding the virtual medical convention, DR. Ghada Ismail, Head of Ain Shams University’s Referral Laboratories – Ain Shams Specialized Hospital, praised the unrivalled efficacy of  Dettol, highlighting: “Since Coronavirus outbreak, we adopted the strictest disinfecting practices; using powerful antiseptic products like Dettol and Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize surfaces and floors, safeguarding visitors from infection. Despite the sensitive nature of our profession, our labs have zero infections recorded up till this very moment.”

Ismail affirmed that the referral laboratories of Ain Shams Specialized Hospitals will always remain wide open; welcoming scientific researches from all over Egypt and yearning for further collaboration & integration between State’s scientific research bodies.

The medical webinar brought an in-depth comparison between Dettol’s active ingredients against other antiseptics and disinfectants, with regard to their efficacy and pricing.

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