Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Egypt, Saudi Arabia to Launch Business Association in Cairo Sunday

Egypt, Saudi Arabia to Launch Business Association in Cairo Sunday

by Salma Ayman

Industry and Trade, Investment, Housing and International Cooperation Ministries will inaugurate tomorrow Sunday the Saudi Society for Egyptian businessmen under the auspices of Ahmed Kattan, Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Egypt and with the participation of more than 100a Saudi businessman.

Ahmed Darwish, Security General of Saudi Society for Egyptian businessmen said the conference will be launched in Egypt and Dr. Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, the Industry and Trade Minister will give a key note speech on behalf of the Dr. Hazem Al-Bablawi, Egyptian Prime Minister.

Darwish said more than 100 Saudi investors will participate in the inauguration, in addition to the presence of a large scale of businessmen and investors from the Egyptians and Saudis Members Association.

Darwish also stated that great selection of Egyptian society will participate in the inauguration ceremony , adding that Saudi Society for Egyptian businessmen is aiming to provide investment opportunities for Saudis in Egypt and it targets to resolve the obstacles which facing investors, stressing that the society does not oppose any of the other business organizations.

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