The World Tourism is celebrating today with registering one billion tourists traveled around the world in 2012 as a new record number in tourism, according to reports issued by World Tourism Organization (WTO). The reports showed the necessity of the world tourism as one of the whopping economic sectors, representing 9% of the Global GDP, and 8% of total exports of the less developed countries. Europe ranked as the first touristic destination in 2012, representing 51% of tourism all over the world, while Asia and the Pacific Ocean acquired 22%, North and South America acquired 16% of tourism in 2012, Middle East countries got 6% of the global tourism, and Africa acquired 5% in 2012. The reports of WTO elaborated that Europe is the first destination all over the world; acquiring 53%, followed by Asian and the Pacific Ocean with 22%, and South and North America recorded 17%, while the African market recorded 3%. The entertainment tourism all over the world represented 51%, while visiting families, friend and curative tourism represented 27%, while the tourism for work purposes reached 15%. The Workld Tourism Organization (WTO) is celebrating today in Madrid City, Spain, where the organization’s headquarters is, with recording one billion tourists in 2012, jointly with the Ministries of Industry, Energy and Tourism in Spain.
World Tourism Celebrates Recording One Billion Tourists in 2012