Home MoneyBanks WB & IMF Reject Sanctions Against Iran’s Central Bank

WB & IMF Reject Sanctions Against Iran’s Central Bank

by Administrator

Governor of the Central Bank of Iran Mahmoud Bahmani announced that the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are opposed to the western sanctions against his bank.

The WB and the IMF have declared that the CBI should not be sanctioned,” Bahmani said, adding that Iran has filed lawsuits against the West’s financial embargos on the CBI.

He also said that Iran has held some meetings with the Group 24 (a chapter of the Group 77 of developing countries) and also the director of the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department, Masood Ahmed, in this regard.

“They also believed that our requests are logical, and vowed to take action to settle this problem,” Bahmani said.

Last week, the IMF displayed its opposition to the western sanctions against Iran and opposed a call by a New York-based anti-Iran group to halt business with the CBI.

The anti-Iran group whose founders include current and former US administration officials had sent a letter to IMF Managing-Director Christine Lagarde criticizing the IMF’s relationship with Iran.

In reply, the IMF said on Tuesday that its relationship with the Central Bank of Iran is based on its constitution, Fars News reported.

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