Home LeisureLife Style Want to speed up your Weight Loss ? Try this Magical Drink!

Want to speed up your Weight Loss ? Try this Magical Drink!

by Noha Gad

If you are looking for ways to speed up the process of weight loss, you should give this apple-cinnamon drink a try. This low-calorie, detox drink will not only help you shed those kilos but will leave you with tons of energy.

How does it work?
Apples are low in calories, rich in fibre and make an excellent addition to any weight loss diet. Both apple and cinnamon are rich in important antioxidants and flavonoids that can speed up your metabolism. In addition, cinnamon is known to aid in digestion and beat hunger pangs, further contributing to weight loss. Apple and cinnamon are also packed with vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, E and folic acid that can help keep you healthy and full of energy.

How to make this drink

  • Simply slice one apple and put the slices at the bottom of a pitcher.
  • Now drop one cinnamon stick to the pitcher.
  • Add 2-3 cubes of ice and then fill the pitcher with water.
  • Allow it to cool in the fridge for 15 minutes before you enjoy the drink.

This apple-cinnamon drink can be stored in a fridge for about three days, after which you should make a new batch.

When you should have this drink

It is best to have this mixture in the morning before breakfast to help kick-start the weight loss process and detoxify your body.

So what are you waiting for? Switch to this apple-cinnamon drink do its magic in a week.

Source: The Health Site

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