Home NewsInternational News Voters describe UK Govt as “Out Of Touch”

Voters describe UK Govt as “Out Of Touch”

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A new poll has found four in five voters think the coalition government is “out of touch” with ordinary people, warning of a widening gap between the politicians and the British public.

According to an Angus Reid survey for the Sunday Express, only 18 percent of people believe the British government is in touch with ordinary voters, while 82 percent believe it is not 

Findings of Sunday’s poll of more than 2,000 people show the Tory-led government’s popularity has been severely hit by the UK Chancellor George Osborne’s budget, pay freezes, job cuts, soaring costs of living, the petrol panic and culture secretary Jeremy Hunt’s alleged relationship with the Murdoch’s News Corporation. 

Earlier this month, a YouGov poll conducted for The Sun found that Britain’s Labor Party has been backed up to a double-digit poll lead since the general election in 2010, being put 11 points ahead of the Conservatives. 

YouGov’s survey of 1,783 British adults on April 15 and 16, indicated the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats with support levels of 32 percent and 8 percent respectively, were put behind the Labor’s 43 percent support, according to Press TV.

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