Egypt’s communications and education ministries have signed an agreement to supply 10,000 locally-manufactured tablet PCs to university …
Nvidia, -once a name synonymous with graphics chip, PC, and server processors- is set to deliver its …
China’s ZTE Corp, which launched its first basic mobile phone in Africa little more than 10 years …
Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd agreed that their chief executives would participate in settlement talks …
The tablet market is already saturated with models of various sizes, with many closing in on Apple’s …
Gartner Research has said Apple Inc.’s iPad is expected to continue to dominate the tablet market through …
Microsoft’s push into the tablet industry will see only limited success, with the U.S. software maker remaining …
Vodafone is revamping its high street stores around the UK to create a modern services-led design similar …
Samsung has partnered with Finnish video game developer and entertainment company Rovio to introduce the Angry Birds …
- Inc. the world’s largest online retailer is testing a service that lets tablet users make purchases …