Egypt’s Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) approved the first issuance of sukuk worth 2 billion Egyptian pounds ($127 …
Egypt’s Talaat Moustafa to issue its first sukuk in April
by Maha Essamby Maha EssamEgyptian property developer Talaat Moustafa Group, plans to issue sukuk, or Islamic bonds, worth 2 billion Egyptian …
FeatureFinancial InstitutionsMoney
Egypt to issue green, Islamic, variable-yield bonds within 2 years: minister
Egypt is looking to issue three new bond offerings within the next two years, its Finance Minister …
FeatureMoneyReal Estate
Egypt’s Talaat Moustafa says unit to issue corporate sukuk
by Islam salahby Islam salahArab Company for Project and Urban Development, part of Egyptian property developer Talaat Moustafa Group, plans to …
The Egyptian Financial Regulatory Authority has issued a guide on the rules and regulations of Sukuk trading …
Financial Institutions
Moody’s says Egypt’s capital market law amendments are ‘credit positive’
by Yomna Yasserby Yomna YasserThe latest amendments to Egypt’s Capital Market Law, recently approved by parliament, are credit positive for the …
Financial Institutions
Exclusive: Egypt to issue $1 billion sukuk in FY2017/18
by Yomna Yasserby Yomna YasserEgyptian government is planning to issue a U.S. dollar sukuk worth $1 billion later in the financial …
Egypt Cabinet to review amendments to capital market law in days: minister
by Yomna Yasserby Yomna YasserEgypt’s Cabinet is set to review the proposed amendments to the Capital Market Law for approval in …
U.S. investment bank JPMorgan will add Islamic bonds, or sukuk, in its emerging markets indices for the …
Financial Institutions
Fitch: Saudi Arabia’s loan shows fiscal risk, may have structural benefit
by Yomna Yasserby Yomna YasserSaudi Arabia’s move to raise US$10 billion via an international bank loan reflects the pressure on its …