Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood announced late on Saturday it will field its deputy chairman, Khairat al-Shater, as a …
presidential candidate
Salafist candidate for Egypt’s presidential election, Sheikh Hazim Salah Abu Ismail, has spoken against the practice of …
With most of the vote counted in the southern US state, the ex-Pennsylvania senator secured 49%, well …
The Secretariat of presidential election committee started today Saturday to check and count the proxies of the …
Presidential candidate, Abou Al Fotouh, said he will set salaries’ limit at EGP 30 thousands, as well …
Egyptian police have found one of the applicants in the country’s presidential race in possession of “a …
Justice and Equality Movement met yesterday the presidential candidate Amr Moussa, who was former General Secretery of …
Republican Mitt Romney staved off calamity in his presidential bid by returning to a familiar plan: Attack …
Mitt Romney says anyone who thinks there’s something wrong with being successful in America “better vote for …
Losing the Michigan primary would strip the last of the varnish off the image that Mitt Romney …