Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said on Friday in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital …
Obama Administration
Egypt News
US Ambassador to Egypt Leaves, Kerry Appoints Temporary Replacement
by Yomna Yasserby Yomna YasserSecretary of State John Kerry on Friday tapped a career diplomat to temporarily replace the outgoing U.S. …
President Barack Obama must contend with two losing scenarios in evaluating his options for any U.S. military strike …
The United States has not frozen its protocol with Egypt as regard to the Qualifying Industrial Zone, …
According to former Secretary of State and retired four star general Colin Powell, President Barack Obama and …
Egypt News
US Reluctantly Preparing to Accept Egypt’s Post-Morsi Government
by Yomna Yasserby Yomna YasserThe White House is reluctantly preparing to accept an Egyptian government that could be a democracy in …
U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy told The Daily Beast on Monday that military aid to Egypt has been temporarily cut …
Pro-coup demonstrators in Cairo’s Tahrir Square were given a tangible reminder of America’s long-standing support for Egypt’s …
Egypt News
U.S., Allies Were Near a Deal for Peaceful End to Egypt Crisis
by Yomna Yasserby Yomna YasserTwo weeks before the bloody crackdown in Cairo, the Obama administration, working with European and Persian Gulf …
The U.S. military is heavily dependent on Egypt to move personnel and equipment to Afghanistan and around …