Egypt’s stock market closed low on Wednesday. With the main index, EGX 30, dropping by 1.69 percent …
EGX 30 Capped
Egypt’s stock market closed all green on Monday, with the main index, EGX30, rose by 2.82 percent …
EGXEgypt NewsNewsStocks
Egypt’s stock market closes mostly lower on Sunday
by Aya Anwarby Aya AnwarEgypt’s stock market ended mostly lower on Sunday. The main index, EGX30, went down by 0.66 percent …
Egypt’s stock market closed mostly high on Thursday, with the main index, EGX30, dropped by -0.10 percent …
Egypt’s stock market closed mostly low for the second day in a row on Wednesday.
Egypt’s stock market closed mostly low on Tuesday, with the main index, EGX30, dropping by 3.03 percent …
Egypt’s stock market closed mixed between red and green on Sunday.
Egypt’s stock market closed high for the second day in a row on Wednesday.