The Egyptian gold prices went down on Wednesday with carat-21 rising to reach a value of 1,716.08 …
24 carat gold
The Egyptian gold prices went up on Tuesday with carat-21 rising to a value of 1,718.76 Egyptian …
The Egyptian gold prices went up on Monday with carat-21 rising to reach a value of 1,718.05 …
The Egyptian gold prices slipped on Thursday with carat-21 dropping to a value of 1,692.39 Egyptian pounds.
The Egyptian gold prices went up on Wednesday with carat-21 rising to a value of 1,685.15 Egyptian …
The Egyptian gold prices went up on tuesday with carat-21 rising to a value of 1,669.49 Egyptian …
The Egyptian gold prices went down on Monday with carat-21 dropping to a value of 1,667.05 Egyptian …
The Egyptian gold prices went up on Sunday with carat-21 rising to reach a value of 1,678.61 …
The Egyptian gold prices climbed on Wednesday with carat-21 rising to a value of 1,619.24 Egyptian pounds.
The Egyptian gold prices went down on Tuesday with carat-21 falling and reaching a value of 1,617.41 …