Home Real Estate Suez Canal Axis to Become An International Logistical Center

Suez Canal Axis to Become An International Logistical Center

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Dr. Tarek Wafiq, Minister of Housing and Urban Communities, affirmed that the government will pay special consideration to developing the Suez Canal  Axis as an international logistical city for services, which is considered of great importance. However, he added that several parties will object this project , given that Egypt experiences an  economic dispute on the international level,highlighting that developing the Suez Canal Axis will stir up a battle not less fierce than the nationalization of the canal.

This was stated during a meeting held this Sunday’s morning with the attendance  of the ministers of Transport, Housing, Industry, and Investment at the headquarter of the Ministry of Housing, in addition to a number of experts in different fields. The meeting aimed at discussing the executive action plan and the timetables, in addition to activating work in the development project of Suez Canal Project, which is regarded part of a plan for developing the territory of Suez Canal in general.

He also pointed out that a group consisting of the ministers concerned  will officially present a memorandum to Prime Minister Dr. Hesham Kandil, demanding forming a ministerial committee for this project, and that all relevant parties will be contacted in order to start carrying out the different development projects.

On his part, Eng. Hatem Saleh, Minister of Industry, stated that they are going to work on establishing various industrial compounds and central axial ports for boosting trade, which would contribute to achieving comprehensive development.

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