Home NewsInternational News South Africa, Brazil to fight Poverty and Hunger

South Africa, Brazil to fight Poverty and Hunger

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South Africa will cooperate with Brazil in fighting poverty and hunger, Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini said yesterday.

An agreement to this effect was reached during a two-day meeting in Pretoria, in which officials from both countries discussed ways to deal with social development issues, Dlamini told the media.

“Our bilateral engagement during these two days is a confirmation that we are indeed committed to tackling these challenges,” she said.

Under the agreement, Brazil will assist South Africa on social development issues, particularly in fighting against poverty and hunger.

Dlamini said South Africa would learn from Brazil which had made the fight against poverty a priority and had taken specific steps, including its national poverty alleviation plan “Brasil Sem Misera” which aims to help 16.2 million Brazilians out of extreme poverty.

The plan included cash transfer initiatives, and increased access to education, health, welfare and sanitation.

Dlamini said Brazil’s experience was important for South Africa which was battling poverty and unemployment that contributed to dire living conditions.

“You continue to implement various activities aimed at reaching the most vulnerable citizens. We are eager to learn about your comprehensive national alleviation plan and your successful Zero Hunger programme,” said Dlamini.

“It is important that we strengthen relations by sharing experiences with the view to find solutions to the similar challenges we face.”, according to Xinhua.

Both South Africa and Brazil are members of the BRICS group which also includes China, Russia and India. The latest move by the two countries came amid a trend of growing cooperation among BRICS members on various issues.

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