Home NewsEgypt News Sisi calls for unity among Arab nations to confront terrorism

Sisi calls for unity among Arab nations to confront terrorism

by Yomna Yasser

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called on Arab leaders to unite positions, putting an emphasis on the threat of terrorism to the Arab world.

In his address to the Arab summit on Wednesday, Sisi thanked King Abdullah II for his warm hospitality and his efforts to ensure the success of the summit.

He affirmed Egypt’s support for the Jordanian monarch throughout his presidency of the Arab summit, adding that his wisdom will consolidate relations between the two countries.

Sisi said the Arab summit is held in light of challenges facing the region, which are targeting the unity and integrity of Arab lands, and threatening the interests of its people and its supreme interests.

He said the Arab peoples look to leaders with a strong stance in facing the dangers that have plagued the region.

The President added that the Arab region suffers from several ruptures; these challenges must be faced with a clear vision and full determination to protect our national future.

“Over the past few years, the new challenges have plagued our Arab homeland, we have lost stability when national institutions have been weakened, intimidation and sectarian conflict have spread among people, foreign interference has increased in countries, and evil terrorism has taken advantage,” he said.

Sisi expressed his regret for the exploitation of some external forces which used the unprecedented conditions experienced in the region to strengthen its influence and extend its control to intervene in the Arab countries, whether politically, militarily or security-wise, and unabated by the disintegration of the institutions of those countries.

The President called on Arab states to take a clear and decisive position on these interventions in order to say: “We will not allow any force to intervene in our affairs or impose areas of influence within the Arab countries.”

Sisi said a political solution to the Syrian crisis is the way to achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people, preserve their national institutions, eliminate the threat of terrorism and provide favorable conditions.

Egypt has contributed to various national efforts to resolve the national crisis.

Egypt will remain committed to a negotiated political solution and support the United Nations roadmap in Geneva.

On Libya, the president said Egypt will spare no effort to reach a solution and will continue to cooperate with Libya’s neighboring countries to push forward political settlement without external interference so that the brotherly Libyan people can resolve the crisis and preserve the unity of the Libyan territory and safeguard its capabilities.

Iraq is facing terrorism and the “forces of darkness”; Egypt fully supports Iraq in its war against extremism and has made great strides towards the restoration of national authority.

Sisi said Egypt believes that the battle of Iraq against the Islamic State (IS) is “our battle too for the sake of the future of our children”.

As far as achieving success, efforts to achieve national reconciliation are necessary to restore the national state. Egypt will support every effort and welcomes every step to restore normal relations between Iraq and its Arab brethren.

On the Palestinian issue, the President said this remains the central issue for Arabs, and is at the heart and mind of every Arab; it is regrettable that it will continue to be insoluble and that as the situation continues, the crisis in the Arab world will intensify.

“We seek a just and equitable solution, and Egypt renews its full commitment to reaching a solution to the issue to establish peace in this precious region, based on the Arab peace initiative,” Sisi said.

Sisi stressed that joint Arab action is the basis for resolving the issues and crises that the region is undergoing. “Last year, as the Arab representative in the UN Security Council, we sought to coordinate positions and highlight the issues of concern to the region,” he said.

“Restoring health to the Arab body is inevitable to face the dangers that faces the region.”

President Sisi renewed Egypt’s full support for the efforts of the Secretary-General of the Arab League to preserve the unity of the Arab countries.

Source: Al-Masry Al-Youm

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