Home MoneyFinancial Institutions Egypt Railways Insurance Pool Say Work Resumed After 2-Day Halt

Egypt Railways Insurance Pool Say Work Resumed After 2-Day Halt

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Mortada Mohamed, executive director of Railways, Underground-Metro & Highways Accidents’s Insurance Pool, confirmed that the pool is resuming today its activities in its headquarters in Downtown after two-day halt (last Sunday and Monday).

Mr. Mohamed, in exclusive statements to Amwal Al Ghad, pointed out that the pool had suspended its work in down town because of its location near Tahrir Square in in which witnesses an anti-regime mass demonstration; he said the headquarters closed for the fear of the occurrence of any potential riots and strikes accompanied the protests.

It is worth mentioning that the Railways, Underground-Metro & Highways Accidents’s Insurance Pool is a non-profit organization. The Pool also disburses the compensation immediately after inherits statement, he added. Mortada Mohamed explained that the compensation in case of death and disability worth EGP 20 thousand, while in case of  injuries the compensation shall be paid according to the injury’s type identified by the concerned doctor.

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