The Qatar Exchange(QE) was pursued its upswing trend Wednesday down 11.33 points or 0.13% to 8,652.87points from the previous closing of 8,664.20 . The volume of shares traded was up to 11,722,740 from 9,262,507 Tuesday and the value of shares decreased to QR 388,113,043.23 ($106.735.483.78) from QR 306,277,055.94 ($84.229.660.16) on Tuesday.
Top gainers were Mazaya Qatar which was lost 0.39% to QR 10.22 ($), Salam International added 3.52% to QR 15.00 ($4.13), Nakilat down 0.36% to QR 16.53 ($4.55) and Qatar United Dev. Company gain by 0.27% to QR 18.85 ($5.18).
Today the Qatar Banking and Financial sector lost 5.39 points while the Qatar industrial sector gain 24.24 points and the Services sector up 63.47 points, QNA reported.