Home NewsMENA News Phone leaks show Qatar conspiring against Bahrain

Phone leaks show Qatar conspiring against Bahrain

by Mennatullah Hamzawy

Four phone call recordings between the Qatari Emir’s Special Advisor Hammad bin Khalifa Abdullah Al-Attiya and Hassan Ali Mohammed Juma’a Sultan, a Bahraini opponent were broadcasted late Friday on Al Arabiya News Channel, whose nationality was revoked in 2015.

The recordings show how Qatar was conspiring behind the scene against the Gulf states’ unified policy in Bahrain.

While the phone recordings were undated, they allude that the backchannel talks might have took place in 2011, after the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) sent their joint military forces known as Peninsula Shield Force at the request by the Bahraini government to protect the latter country’s national security.

The first recording shows how Qatar was trying to balance between Doha keeping up with its pro-GCC policy in Bahrain but instead it was working behind the scene, using Al-Jazeera News Channel to broadcast opposing agendas.

“People are now dealing with the forces as forces of occupation,” Sultan was heard telling Attiya in the first phone call conversation.

“I am with what you are saying,” Attiya said, adding: “I should not be telling you this, as you should know, we in Qatar, we have our reservations over Peninsula Shield Force presence in Bahrain.”

Attiya said that Qatar cannot be against its GCC “brethrens” and it “rejects to patriciate” in the Peninsula Shield Force.

“As you know the law for the Peninsula Shield Force requires all countries to patriciate,” he said. “We pressured ourselves not to participate as forces,” adding that there were two Qatari officers, “who are being watched.”

Attiya also said if the situation further developed, he will personally see Sultan or Shiekh Issa.

Sheikh Isa Qassim, an opposition leader, who had his Bahraini citizenship revoked in 2016 and is facing a “money laundering” trial.

In the second recording Attiya was inquiring over what was exactly happening in Bahrain, and in the third phone call, the Qatari advisor asked Sultan if the latter could recommend a person who can appear on Al-Jazeera to talk about the situation in Bahrain.

“We want cooperation over correct information,” Attiya asked Sultan.

In the fourth recording, Sultan recommends and gives Attiya the name of the Bahrain journalist Tahir al-Musawi to provide Al-Jazeera with all the information needed.

Source:  Al Arabiya

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