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Obama To Press Xi On Cyber Attacks

by Salma Ayman
when Google accused Chinese hackers of infiltrating its network to track emails of human rights activists, the Obama administration didn’t disclose what U.S. diplomats in Beijing believed: China’s Politburo had directed the attack.

Today the White House no longer shies from publicly accusing Beijing of launching a sophisticated range of cyber attacks on U.S. computer networks to steal corporate and government secrets — including those of naval propulsion systems and gas pipeline technology — worth billions of dollars.

The dispute will take center stage when President Obama meets China’s new president, Xi Jinping, on Friday for a two-day informal summit at the Sunnylands retreat in Rancho Mirage. White House aides say Obama will call for Beijing to take strong action against cyber attacks originating from its soil.

Obama has elevated cyber security to rank with economic and defense issues as a “constant focus” in relations with China, a White House official said. The flood of digital break-ins “threatens to damage U.S.-China relations, as well as potentially damage the international economy and China’s reputation.”

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in briefing reporters, said every nation has “a responsibility to seriously investigate what may be happening within its own borders, including its virtual cyber borders, and make best efforts to put a stop to activities.”

Washington and Beijing agreed in April to hold high-level talks to try to set international rules for cyber security. Aides said Obama and Xi will discuss the agenda for the first meeting of the so-called cyber working group on the sidelines of an Asian economic summit in July.

Despite the diplomatic effort, U.S. officials have made no secret of their anger about the continuing cyber assaults. The name-and-shame campaign hasn’t persuaded Chinese leaders to halt the daily barrage of hacking, including those from a secretive military unit in Shanghai that allegedly has stolen data from scores of U.S. companies.

In the latest broadside, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said at a high-level security conference in Singapore on Saturday that cyber attacks against American businesses “appear to be tied to the Chinese government and military.”

China has largely denied responsibility, or argued that it is the victim, not the instigator, of such attacks. No one has provided “hard evidence” of Chinese involvement in cyber intrusions, said Cui Tiankai, Beijing’s new ambassador in Washington.

“A huge number of Chinese computers, Chinese companies, and Chinese government agencies have also been attacked by hackers,” he told Foreign Affairs magazine in May, according to a transcript posted on the Chinese Embassy website. “If we trace these attacks, maybe some of them, or even most of them, would come from the United States.”

That same month, Beijing reacted angrily when the Pentagon issued a report that accused the Chinese government and military of trying to steal secrets from U.S. federal agencies.

“As we all know, the United States is the real ‘hacking empire,’ ” said a commentary in the People’s Daily, a Communist Party newspaper.

Source:Los Angeles Times

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