Home Real Estate NUCA’s Vice-President: Sadat City’s Plots Cannot Be Legalized

NUCA’s Vice-President: Sadat City’s Plots Cannot Be Legalized

by Administrator

Eng. Amin Abdel-moneim, Vice Chairman of New Urban Communities Authority, stated that the plots of Sadat City cannot be legalized, particularly the 17.000 acres seized by encroachers, due to the difficulty of providing this area with an access to water, given that it has been planned that Sadat city will depend on groundwater during the coming stage.

In his interview on El-Sha’ab Yored (People Want) program, Abdel-moneim pointed out that NUCA was planning to establish a water plant at Sadat City with a capacity of 100.00 cubic meters, but the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation declared that the city does not have a linking point to the Nile River or any of its canals, and whereupon it will rely on groundwater in the future. He added that Sadat city has exhausted nine-fold the amount of groundwater allocated to it up till now.

He noted that the National Center for Planning State Land Uses has confirmed that the plots have not been planted until June 2011. Nevertheless, the National Center revealed last March, following the events of the revolution and the lawlessness that 4.000 acres haven been encroached, adding that the city’s 39.000-acre-green belt was sold out. It further pointed out that there is an ongoing coordination between the ministries of Housing and Interior to remove these land encroachments during the current period.

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