Home LeisureEntertainment New words added, one after a celebrity; so stay ‘Leo’

New words added, one after a celebrity; so stay ‘Leo’

by aya salah

The most recent update to OxfordDictionaries.com sees a host of new words added from the worlds of politics, popular culture, and social media.

Among the new words, the verb ‘leo’ which means to achieve something after years of trying has been added thanks to USA celebrity Leonardo DiCaprio after his winning the 2016 Academy Award for Best Actor after six unsuccessful times.

We can see ten highlights from the update below:

Leo verb to achieve something after years of trying: “I feel like I’ve Leoed this morning; I finally passed my driving test.”

[From the name of Leonardo DiCaprio, with allusion to his winning the 2016 Academy Award for Best Actor after six unsuccessful nominations.]

Autocorreck verb (of software) cause (text) to contain mistakes by means of an autocorrect or autocomplete function: “I wrote a great text to her, but ‘love’ was autocorrecked to ‘move’.”

[Blend of autocorrect and wreck]

Parrotocracy noun a hypothetical society governed by people selected according to their ability to repeat slogans and soundbites mechanically, or to repeat or steal the policies and ideas of others: “Heaven help us if we end up with a parrotocracy.”

[From parrot and -cracy]

Reply-gall noun the perceived impudence of an individual who sends an email response to everyone addressed in the original message: “His reply-gall became infamous after he sent an 1800-word response to a company-wide announcement.”

[From reply + gall after reply-all]

Instayam noun a Thanksgiving photograph shared on social media: “Before we ate, we had to send an Instayam.”

[Blend of Instagram and yam]

Fanishment noun the state of being blocked by a celebrity on social media: “Steve’s fanishment was inevitable after he tweeted at the star footballer 1000 times in a single day.”

[Blend of fan and banishment]

Obamacar noun (humorous) a hypothetical scheme under which current President of the United States Barack Obama would provide free cars for every citizen in America: “Republican commentators cracked wise about the so-called Obamacar.”

[From Obama + car, after Obamacare]

Otter café noun a café or similar establishment where people pay to interact with otters housed on the premises: “Locals are already excited by the prospect of the area’s first otter café.”

LOYO abbreviation laughing on your own (used online in reply to a joke that others have not found amusing): “A better joke next time, please. LOYO.”

Social fleedia noun a situation in which one or more social media users choose to close their accounts: “Commentators are seeing a huge rise in millennials encouraging social fleedia.”

“Social media continues to be a vital and constantly evolving catalyst for linguistic innovation,” says Richard Snary, a lexicographer at Oxford Dictionaries. “We’re recognizing this with words which specifically reference these sites, such as Instayam, fanishment, and social fleedia, but Twitter also accounts for much of our corpus data for Obamacar, LOYO, and the verb to Leo.

In two of these examples, we’re seeing how the creation and sharing of memes relating to a specific public figure can quickly gain traction and help a coinage enter the language – and our language monitoring programme is uniquely placed to observe and record these changes,”  he added.

source: Oxford Times

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