Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Wadi El Natrun Operates EGP 200 mln Investments

Wadi El Natrun Operates EGP 200 mln Investments

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Al Buhayrah governorate approved last Tuesday on allocating land, also granted licenses to 16 factories in the industrial zone of Wadi El Natrun; with total EGP 200 investments.

Fathey Morsi, chairman of Al Buhayrah Investors Association and member of the Higher Committee for Investment in the governorate, said the new factories work in several productive sectors such as chemical industries (ceramic factory), food industries (factory for pasta), engineering industries (2 factories for cars spare parts), and metal industries ( 2 factories for metal turning); plus other productive sectors such as spinning and weaving and medical industries.

Morsi told “Amwal Al Ghad” that the governorate has given the factories’ owners consent on allocating lands ranging from 1-10 thousand meters per factory, with EGP 145 per meter, plus payments facilities on three years.

The owners of these projects have provided operating plan for these factories, as the governorate stipulated that. The plan provides for working the factories with a year, a maximum period since getting the consent. A number of investors already have started construction processes that prove their seriousness and their commitment, Morsi told Amwal Al Ghad.

It was mentioned that the industrial zone of Wadi El Natrun was established in 1994 on an area of 570 acres in Al Buhayrah governorate. The government drew its operating plan on three stages, now it is in its second stage.

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