Home StocksEGX Economic Advisory Council Is An Urge: ECMA

Economic Advisory Council Is An Urge: ECMA

by Yomna Yasser

Dr. Mohamed E. Taymour, the Chairman of the Egyptian Capital Market Association (ECMA), had called on speeding up the formation of a national economic advisory council so as to run programs for comprehensive economic development.

“The council is assigned to establish Egypt’s futuristic economic policies and to meditate among the difference political powers in order for agreeing on a strategic developmental agenda for the country. “ Dr. Taymour told Amwal Al Ghad.

He highlighted that the council is a meeting point for all the political powers for drawing up plans which would have positive impact for all the society’s brackets.

Dr. Taymour emphasized on the importance of adopting the full transparency while tackling the main reasons for the decline in growth rates, low cash reserves and deterioration in the economic situation besides supply issues and unfair distribution.

“Businessmen, economists and experts ought to join the Council” he added.

He said that the government does not formulate the country’s economic plan; only the council would devise economic plans and programs. The cabinet would then carry out the council’s devised plans in accordance with a strict schedule under the supervision for the People’s Assembly (the Lower House).

Taymour asserted that Egypt would not be able to encounter any incorrect experiences while enjoying a large number of experts who are able to set economic solutions for the country’s crises.

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