Dr. Mona El-Baradei, Professor of Economics and Executive Director, Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI), said the revolution’s demands express the political and social disorders of the state, these obstacles declined the classification of Egypt. She explained that these obstacles are the methods by which the classification promotes and reaching distinguished economy, in addition to that, the government becomes able to take decisions invest all the capability to develop the country.
During the eighth conference of the Egyptian National Competitiveness Council (ENCC), Mona El-Baradei said creating community dialogue depends on having community consensus and strategies aim at reforming the defaults, forming new policies, as well developing the emerging states.
She added that the growth indicator doesn’t mean improving the poverty indicators during the absence of the social justice, which reached 44% of the society; warning of the danger of depleting Egypt’s resources.
Mona El-Baradei :Revolution Demands Reflect Political, Social Disorders In Egypt