The ministry of housing aims at including articles secure the rights of the law-income in housing.
Dr Tareq Wafiq, Minister of Housing and New Urban Communities, said the ministry seeks ensuring the rights of the law-income in housing in the new constitution.
In his speech during the conference of enabling the private sector on Monday, Wafiq referred that the ministry emphasizes the right of the social housing law which it is preparing at the present time.
The minister said the prices of lands became a part of the housing problem; explaining that the state is heading to depend on system of rent for the new families in the coming periods.
On the other hand, Dr Ali Abdel Rahman, Giza governor, elaborated that the role of the private sector is to resolve the housing crisis through setting determined disciplines by the state, and stipulating the profit margin for the companies that get lands from the state.
He referred that Giza province works on partnership between the private sector and the state in lands allocated for the Kuwaiti company in Al Ayyat city. He underscored the final aim of the cooperation between the state and the private sector, to achieve development and increase the citizens’ standards.
Minister Of Housing: New Constitution To Include Housing Articles