Home Tech/AITech news MCIT :Penetration Rate Of Mobile Phone Declined 1.7% Feb-End

MCIT :Penetration Rate Of Mobile Phone Declined 1.7% Feb-End

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The number of mobile phone subscribers have reached about 94.5 million subscribers in the last February with decline 1.7% monthly rate of penetration nearly 113.7%.

An official report from the Information and Communication Technology Ministry (MCIT) has explained that the number of internet users last February rose by 0.55% compared to last January with an annual growth rate 11.24% of the total population, explaining that the current penetration rate is about 39.34%.

44.12% of the Egyptian households have used the internet with an annual growth rate around 6.94%, pointing out that the number of high-speed internet users is about 2.29 million with a penetration rate 23.1% annually.


Moreover, the number of internet subscribers via mobile phone have declined with 0.2% as compared to last January, to make the users’ number reach 10.7 million users, asserting that 32.9% of the internet users depend on mobile phone.

Meanwhile, the report said the number of internet users via USB Modems are as to 3.37 million subscribers, noting that 90.5% of the internet users are based on long-term internet.

Moreover, the fixed-telephone lines have increased with 0.28% rate with 10.5%  penetration rate, to make the number of centrals which affiliated to the fixed-telephone company are about 1704 centrals, including 1201 in the rural areas.

The report has noted that the number of enterprises operating in the ICT sector have boosted to 5183 enterprises and the total employment in enterprises are about 217.000 employees and workers with capitalized EGP 46.5 billion at an annual growth rate of 1.29% by the end of February 2013.

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