A lawyer from Alexandria filed a lawsuit in the administrative court, in which he calls for dissolving Egypt’s Upper House (Shura Council). This is after the supreme constitutional court returned a verdict declares that the articles laws of the parliamentary elections are unconstitutional.
Lawyer Tarek Mahmoud said the supreme constitutional court described the law of the parliamentary elections as unconstitutionally void; whereas the law of the parliamentary elections neglected that principle of equal opportunities between candidates. The parties endorsed their candidates facing the independent candidates, this encroaches the nomination right in its content, element and equality.
The lawyer called for halting the implementation of the negative decision of the military council; as the council refuses to issue a decision of dissolving the Upper House. This after the supreme constitutional court returned a verdict on lawsuit no. 20/1938, prejudging the unconstitutionality of some articles of law 38/ 1978, and which amended by decree law no.120/2011, by which the Upper House elections done.
Lawsuit Calls For Dissolving Egypt’s Upper Council
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