Trading ended at Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) Thursday with the main indices in mixed zones. The price index lost 4.7 points to reach 6,446.8 points, while the weighted index came to 419.23 points a rise of 1.48 points.
Trades came to 3,964 spot transactions worth KD 29,543,310 ($106.046.103), with 407,402,500 shares changing hands till end of session.
As for sector indices, four of them were green and the other four were red.
Top gainer sector was services which put on 68.6 index points. The biggest loser sector was that of the non-Kuwaitis with a slip of 37.9 points.
Top share for the day was that of Palms Agro Production Co (PAPCO:KK), while top loser was the Ithmaar Bank BSC (ITHMR:KK).