Home Tech/AITech news Kaspersky achieves top award in SE Labs ‘full chain of attack’ tests

Kaspersky achieves top award in SE Labs ‘full chain of attack’ tests

by Amwal Al Ghad English
Computer security firm Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack platform received on Wednesday the highest AAA award in the first Breach Response Test by SE Labs.

The solution was tested against a range of sophisticated hacking attacks designed to compromise systems and penetrate target networks. The test lab emulated real threat actor behaviour by executing full chains of attacks, from attempts to gain initial access through execution, maintaining persistence and lateral movement, through to privilege escalations, credential access and exfiltration. The test engineers used a variety of tools, techniques and vectors to probe targets and to benefit from the attack to gain further access, steal information or damage systems.

A successful cyberattack goes beyond simply gaining access to a system. The real value for a threat actor comes from what they can gain once they have breached a network or device – from deleting or encrypting files, to stealing confidential data to defraud an individual or company, and beyond. To this end, Kaspersky put its Anti Targeted Attack Platform through the rigors of a new Breach Response Test with SE Labs, to review its ability to detect highly targeted attacks as well as provide remediation and handle legitimate applications – at all stages of the attack process.

The Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform was put through 85 attack scenarios, representing real and present threats to business networks across the globe. The solution was effective against a diverse set of exploits, file-less attacks and malware attachments, detecting all targeted attacks at earliest stages and fully protecting from 82 of them from potentially being exposed to data theft, damage or unlawful remote access. The product was also able to accurately identify and handle legitimate objects, with no false positives.

As a result of its performance across all tests, the Kaspersky Targeted Attack Platform achieved a highest AAA Award from SE Labs.

The Breach Response Test introduces a new approach to assessing the ability of products to protect from targeted attacks.

“The assessment score for products was based on what the tester, or ‘malicious person’ could or could not do on the targeted system, not just the number of notifications flagged by a product or assumption made by test engineers.” Simon Edwards, CEO of SE Labs, said.

“That’s why this test reflects the product’s real capabilities to protect against attacks. Kaspersky was among the first vendors to participate in this innovative new test, and we congratulate the company for achieving great results and the highest AAA recognition,” Edwards added.

“Only by assessing a product’s ability to deal with all stages of the attack chain can the full scale of protection be evaluated. The comprehensive nature of the SE Labs breach response tests put our solution through its paces at every stage of real-life scenarios.”  Timur Biyachuev, vice chairman of Threat Research at Kaspersky, said.

“We are delighted to have achieved the AAA Award in recognition of the full capabilities of our product and the comprehensive protection it provides our customers,”

The Kaspersky Targeted Attack platform delivers a strategic approach to detecting and investigating complex attacks at early stages at the network level. Complemented by multi-layered prevention technologies and solutions, as well as an extensive portfolio of Security Intelligence Services for response and prediction, Kaspersky delivers a truly integrated approach to targeted attacks and to threat detection and response.

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