Home NewsInternational News Japan marks end of WWII under criticism from China, S. Korea

Japan marks end of WWII under criticism from China, S. Korea

by aya salah

Japan marked the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II Saturday under criticism from China and South Korea which said nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s war anniversary speech failed to properly apologise for Tokyo’s past aggression.

In a move likely to further strain relations, a trio of cabinet ministers visited the controversial Yasukuni shrine, which neighbouring countries see as a symbol of Tokyo’s militarist past.

Memorial services on the day Japan surrendered to the Allies in 1945 come after Abe on Friday delivered a closely watched speech that expressed regret but also said future generations need not apologise for Japan’s war record.

His remarks were welcomed by the US but blasted by China as a non-apology, while Pyongyang derided it as “an unpardonable mockery of the Korean people”.

South Korean President Park Geun-Hye said his speech “left much to be desired” and stressed the need for Japan to resolve the issue of Asian women forced to work as sex slaves in Japanese military brothels.

The Philippines, another wartime foe, however said it had rebuilt a “strong friendship” with Tokyo.

Likewise, Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Abe’s remarks “should make it easier for other countries to accept Japan’s commitment to a better future for all, and to strengthen their own friendships with Japan”.

In a speech for Saturday’s war commemorations, Emperor Akihito said he felt “profound remorse” over the conflict Tokyo fought in the name of his father Hirohito.

Some Japanese media said it was the first time the 81-year-old, a symbolic figurehead, had used those words at the annual memorial.

Earlier, Haruko Arimura, minister for women’s empowerment, entered the gates of Yasukuni, which is dedicated to millions of Japanese who died in conflicts — but also includes more than a dozen war criminals’ names on its honour list and a museum that paints Japan as a victim of US aggression.

It makes scant reference to the brutality of invading Imperial troops when they stormed through Asia — especially China and Korea — in the 20th century.



About 60 politicians, including Sanae Takaichi, minister for internal affairs and communications and Eriko Yamatani, minister of disaster management, walked down the shrine’s stone path Saturday, along with thousands of other visitors.

“How we console the souls (of war victims) is a matter for individual countries — it should not be a diplomatic issue,” Takaichi told reporters, responding to questions about possible negative reactions from Beijing and Seoul.

The visits every August 15 enrage neighbouring nations, which view them as an insult and painful reminder of now-pacifist Japan’s history, including its brutal 35-year occupation of the Korean peninsula.

The grandson of a wartime cabinet minister, Abe was not expected to visit the leafy shrine, sending a ritual offering instead. His late 2013 visit drew an angry response from Beijing and Seoul, as well as rebuke from close ally Washington.

Founded in 1869, the Shinto shrine honours some 2.5 million citizens who died in World War II and other conflicts, along with 14 indicted war criminals including General Hideki Tojo, who authorised the attack on Pearl Harbor, drawing the US into the war.

“The people who are enshrined died for the country — I’m here alive thanks to them,” said 70-year-old Hideko Horie whose father died fighting in the Philippines when she was just an infant.

Japan’s wartime history has come under a renewed focus since Abe swept into power in late 2012, and much speculation had focused on whether he would follow a landmark 1995 statement issued by then-premier Tomiichi Murayama.

His statement, which became a benchmark for subsequent apologies, expressed “deep remorse” and a “heartfelt apology” for the “tremendous damage” inflicted, particularly in Asia.

But on Friday, Abe — who has been criticised for playing down Japan’s war record and trying to expand its present-day military — said future generations should not have to apologise.

“We must not let our children, grandchildren and even further generations to come, who have nothing to do with that war, be predestined to apologise,” he said.

He also reiterated his desire to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, possibly early next month. His speech made specific reference to the suffering of Chinese people at hands of Japanese soldiers.

Analysts said Abe was appealing to allies and neighbours while sticking to his nationalist convictions.

The Global Times newspaper, closely tied to the Chinese Communist Party, said the contradictory nature of Abe’s speech meant that “what is left may be basically nothing”.

“The speech will not trigger a worsening of Sino-Japanese ties, nor will it help to significantly improve the relations,” it said.


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