Home Real Estate Housing Ministry to launch units in Egypt’s new capital for citizens this month

Housing Ministry to launch units in Egypt’s new capital for citizens this month

by Yomna Yasser

Egypt’s Ministry of Housing will start launching a number of housing units for citizens at the third residential district in the country’s new administrative capital, some 40km (24.8 miles) east of Cairo, within March 2018.

The third residential district was completely executed during 2017, Khaled Al-Husseini, spokesman and public relations manager of New Administrative Capital Company for Urban Development, said Monday.

“The first phase of the new capital witnesses the implementation of eight residential districts,” Al-Husseini states, adding that the new capital’s project is designed for middle and high incomes and will provide direct and indirect job opportunities.

“The seventh residential district is to be established on a space of around 2,500 faddans, where there are a bunch of land plots are currently being launched for real estate investors,” the Egyptian official further referred.

The under-construction new capital city is part of the government’s plan to expand urban areas to deal with the country’s rapid population growth and improve the nation’s infrastructure. The city will be a 270-square-mile hub with 21 residential districts to accommodate five million people.

It will feature 1,250 mosques and churches, a 5,000-seat conference centre, nearly 2,000 schools and colleges, over 600 medical facilities and a park that is projected to be the world’s largest.

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