Home LeisureLife Style Get rid of Wrinkles and Acne with Homemade Green Tea Facials

Get rid of Wrinkles and Acne with Homemade Green Tea Facials

by Noha Gad

You have read umpteen number of articles on the benefits of drinking green tea. There are studies that prove it too. But, do you know that the almost magical properties of this drink can be put to other good uses?

Green tea contains polyphenols, which are the key ingredient in many cosmetics. Research shows that polyphenols exhibit not just antioxidant, but anti-melanogenic and anti-wrinkle properties. This is one of the reasons, polyphenols are a part of many cosmetics that claim to have anti-ageing and skin lightening ingredients.

The flavonoids in green tea, which you might have heard about it in several tea advertisements, have anti-ageing properties too. All in all, green tea can help make your skin healthy and glowing.

Sipping green tea regularly is one of the ways in which you can experience its benefits. But what you can also do is, incorporate green tea in your facials or skin care regimen.

Here are a few green tea hacks for beauty:

Green tea steam: We all know that steam is an integral part of your facial. The skin does absorb the steam when you expose your face to it. Why not add green tea to the plain water you use for steam and let your skin take in some polyphenols and flavonoids.

All you need is 2 glasses of boiling water poured in a deep vessel. Drop in 2-3 green tea bags or 3 tbsp of leaves (if you have green tea leaves at home). Now take a towel, cover your head and enjoy the steam. Read more on how steam actually works wonders for your skin here.

Green tea for sunburns: Brew some green tea and let it cool down. Dip a cloth in the tea and apply on affected area. You can place the cloth on your face for a cooling effect.

Green tea cleanser: You don’t always need expensive cleansers and pimple creams. Dip a green tea bag in hot water for 10 seconds. Cut open this bag and add the green tea to your regular cleanser. Massage for 5 minutes and wash it off. Polyphenols from the green tea boost blood circulation and also help you fight acne.

Green tea face mask: Mix 1 tsp of honey and 2 tsp of olive oil and heat in microwave for 30 seconds. Cut open one green tea bag or take 1 tbsp green tea leaves and add to the mix. Now heat again for 30 seconds. Mix well. This face mask needs to be applied warm, but not hot. Massage gently for 5-6 minutes.


For washing it off, soak a handkerchief or cloth in hot water. Squeeze it and place it on your face for 5-7 minutes. It will loosen up the honey and help remove the mask easily without making your face feel sticky. Finally, wash off with water and pat dry.

Source: The Health Site

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