Home LeisureLife Style Get rid of dark circles under your eyes by this home-made remedy

Get rid of dark circles under your eyes by this home-made remedy

by Noha Gad

Do you suffer from the dark circles under your eyes and you do not know a way to get rid of them. You tried a lot of treatments and creams but there are no results? Tomatoes could help you since they are rich with Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin B, sulphur, Iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. It also has bleaching properties that make it a good remedy for dark circles.

There are three ways that you can apply tomatoes on the dark circles:

1- Cut few pieces of raw tomato and crush it with your hands to extract the pulp. Now, with your middle and ring finger, apply the pulp underneath your eyes. Keep it for five to 10 minutes before rinsing.

2- Another way to use tomato is to add one spoon of tomato juice to one spoon of lemon juice and, using a cotton ball, apply this mixture on the dark circles. Leave it for 10 minutes, rinse with cold water and pat dry.

3- You can also make an eye-pack with two spoons of tomato pulp, one spoon of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder and gram flour. Mix it well and apply the paste under your eyes. Leave it for 15 to twenty minutes and rinse your face thoroughly.

This home remedy doesn’t guarantee instant results.

Be Carful !
Tomatoes are strong bleaching agents and could lead to a burning sensation. If you feel the sensations are too much for you to handle, then rinse your face immediately.

Source: The Health Site


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