Home MoneyBanks Egypt Banks in Tahrir Sq Fully Closed For Second Day In Row

Egypt Banks in Tahrir Sq Fully Closed For Second Day In Row

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All the banks’ branches located in Egypt’s Tahrir Square decided to remain closed for fear of a potential violence expected to accompany the ongoing mass demonstrations which claim to oust President Mohamed Morsi .

Ahli United Bank has closed its branch in Tahrir Square and transferred its transactions to Dokki Branch, and also Bank of Alexandria decided to close the branch’s transactions and urged citizens to go to other branches nearest to their homes.

Furthermore,  BNP Paribas transfered its transactions to Zamalek and Abdel Khalek Tharwat’s branches. Union National and Piraeus Banks used wrought-iron doors and emphasized that the branches are closed today for customers’ safety.

This comes within the framework of the organization of massive demonstration by revolutionary forces and led by the “Tamorod”, which was established during last month by a number of political activists in order to withdraw confidence from President Mohamed Morsi, by collecting the signatures of 15 million people on the forms, “withdraw confidence”. As they called for t massive demonstrations on 30 June all over the country to demand the departure of Morsi to hold early presidential elections under the supervision of the Supreme Constitutional Court and formation of a national coalition government.

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