Home Real Estate Housing minister: EGP 8 billion Invested in Sinai in the Last 20 Years

Housing minister: EGP 8 billion Invested in Sinai in the Last 20 Years

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Mohamed Fathy El Baradiee – Minister of Housing- said that about EGP 8 billion were spent in Sinai in the period from 1982 to 2012, and although what have been done; achievements are still dissatisfying.

The Minister mentioned – during his speech in the parliament about Sinai urbanization and development- that a lot of projects were executed in the last period, such as establishing roads that serves Bedouins’ clusters, which cost reached EGP 20 million, as well as electricity networks infrastructure with cost of 10 million EGP.

About South Sinai, the Minister said that a Bedouins’ gathering was established, as it included 30 houses and its cast reached EGP 7 million, beside the roads and squares established in the governorate in a cost of 30 million EGP, as MENA stated.

El Bardiee said that the way to achieve a major transition in Sinai; is still very long, while the parliament’s representative confirmed on the necessity of urbanizing Sinai, and releasing citizens who were jailed in unfair cases, as the representative said that its very important to make a surge in Sinai’s community, especially after the long years of neglect, that was caused by the old regime’s governments.

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