Veteran Egyptian actor Mahmoud Yassin passes away on Wednesday at the age of 79 after long struggle with illness.
The renowned Egyptian actor was born in Port Said city in June 1941. He started his artistic career by joining the National Theatre in 1963.
He participated in tens of movies, plays and radio and TV series. He was a leading star for most of the 1970s and 1980s movies.
His cinematic repertoire houses a number of immortal movies such as “ El Rosasa la Tazal fe Geeby” (The Bullet is Still in My Pocket), “ El Kheet el Rafie”, “ Ayan Akly” (Where is My Mind), “ Afwah w Araneb” (Mouths and Rabbits), “ Anf w Salas 3eyoun” (A Nose and Three Eyes), “ Nahno la Nazra’a el Shook” ( We don’t Plant thrones), “ El Setat” ( Women) among others.