Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Exclusive: Egypt Chambers’ Federation Says Military Is in a War Against ‘Armed Terrorism’

Exclusive: Egypt Chambers’ Federation Says Military Is in a War Against ‘Armed Terrorism’

by Yomna Yasser

In a statement released on Monday, the Federation of Egyptian Chambers – the voice of over 4 million Egyptian businesses and their partner employees – is calling upon its partner employer federations around the world to mediate a message to their governments in the light of the recent events that have been unfolding in Egypt in the past few days and the misinformation mediated to several of western countries.
The statement emphasized that the misinformation mediated to the countries around the world over the situation in Egypt contradicts with realities on the ground as well as the Egyptian people’s determination and aspirations for a clearly more transparent and stable path to democracy.

“What Egypt is witnessing nowadays is a series of targeted organized acts of armed terrorism that is set loose on the peaceful people of Egypt; the same terrorist ideology that several of our partner countries have suffered from, both as people and businesses, from the “IRA” in Great Britain, to the “GIA” in France, to the “Black September” and  “Baader Meinhof” in Germany to “TAK” in Turkey, to the “Red Brigades” in Italy to September 11 in the United States spearheaded by El Qaeda who is now leading the militant acts against the people of Egypt.” Mr. Ahmed El Wakil, President of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce said.

“Throughout recent history, thousands of peaceful civilians have suffered from such violence, and it was the legitimate “duty” of their states to protect them and defend its sovereignty.” Mr. El Wakil added.

He further stated that Egypt has always been the cradle of civilizations and religions, citing one of the most famous touristic site in  the country, the Millennium area in Cairo where the first Synagogue, Church and Mosque coexist next to each other. “That is Egypt.”

The President of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce further noted that the Muslim Brotherhood publicly and quite forcefully strives to reverse Egyptians’ way of life; burning churches and monasteries, destroying and vandalizing public buildings, looting Christian-owned shops, and killing unarmed civilians who are forced now to improvise and find any available means to defend their families and properties.

“The Brotherhood stand is not a reaction to military interference in the process of democracy as some western media has consistently conveyed. That is a proactive intentional terrorist activity that follows a pre-set set of violent goals.”

“Egyptians in their millions, all support peaceful demonstrations as a key platform for the establishment of democracy. But when automatic weapons and hand grenades are part of such demonstrations they are neither legitimate nor peaceful.”

El Wakil concluded the statement on the behalf of over 4 million traders, industrialists and service providers in Egypt, he calls upon the country’s business partners around the world to mediate the Egyptian Federation’s message, asserting that the federation does look forward to welcoming their business members in the very near future when Egypt is back on its safe and stable track, the land of peace and business opportunities.

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